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My Name is Kendell Killian I am the owner of Dream Body Contouring (AKA The Verju Green Laser).


I have always had a passion for sports and activities all my life and engaged in healthy eating and exercise. One day I woke up and realized no matter what I tried I had some extra weight that never seemed to budge. If you are like me,health is #1 so I would never do something that could cause damage to health. My life has always been busy, so down time was never an option. So, the hunt was on, I tried multiple exercise plans, meal plans, never diets but I tried to eat in a healthy sustainable way. Then I heard about lasers and their ability for weight loss, skin tightening, cellulite treatments, etc. I was very sceptical, and I researched forever.

Finally, I found one that was safe and healthy, it even was safe for the fat cells, I feel strongly that you do not want to damage the fat cells just shrink them to a healthy size.  The technology (VERJU) was all the things I was looking for and more, it was even good if you had a lot to lose or very little. There was a catch, there was not a machine in Western Canada. I put my research aside and continued exercising but I could not stop thinking about it. Long story short and fast forward a couple years, I am the first owner in Western Canadian to bring to you the Verju technology and from personal experience I know that it works. I put it to the test and can tell you that the technology works as well as it says it does. So much so that I changed my career so I can bring this wonderful technology into the lives of others that need that boost to start or continue their weight loss goals or to give them that extra aid for the self confidence they desire.

I love helping others achieve their weight loss goals whether they be large or small. I love seeing people happy with how they look again and to wear their clothes with confidence. I am constantly looking to bring the best to my clients. I would love to meet you and answer any questions you may have.


How does it work?

Through clinical studies it has been demonstrated that the Verjú™ low-level laser system stimulates the fat cell to emulsify (liquefy) the fat within the cell. Then the liquefied fat moves from inside the cell through a temporary pore formed in the cell membrane to outside the cell where it is in the interstitial space until absorbed by the lymphatic system. This results in millions of fat cells becoming smaller so inches are reduced off the waist, hips, and thighs. The fat cells are not injured in any way by this process.

What can I expect at my appointments?

You can expect to relax, read, or do absolutely nothing. The Verjú treatment is completely painless. There is no heat or any sensation whatsoever while being treated. Each treatment you will be met by your physician or technician who will position the laser at the desired areas of the body, he/she will step out while the front of your body is treated and then will return to reset for the backside of your body. After you are done you can get back to your normal activities immediately with absolutely no downtime, nor pain, swelling, or any discomfort. This is a symptom-free process except for losing unwanted inches and cellulite.

What happens if I miss an appointment?

It is not recommended that you miss an appointment. Prior to starting the Verjú treatment, it is important that you are committed to the recommended lifestyle protocol by your physician, not to exceed 72 hours between treatments. If more than 72 hours intervenes, some of the fat may be uptaken by the fat cells again.

How is it different than Liposuction?

Liposuction is an invasive procedure that removes the entire area of fat cells from deposits beneath the skin using a hollow stainless steel tube (called a cannula) with the assistance of a powerful vacuum. Liposuction can be accomplished either with the use of general anesthesia, or with IV sedation, or totally by local anesthesia. In contrast, the Verjú treatment is a 100% non-invasive that uses a low-level laser applied externally to stimulate the fat cell and emulsify and release fat. There is no use of anesthesia, nor any pain, gels, creams, numbing agents, needles, and no downtime.

How is it different than other non-invasive body slimming techniques?

The Verjú laser system is the only green laser completely safe and effective for non-invasive treatment in body slimming and the appearance of cellulite on the market today. There is no possibility of injury. No technician will be pushing on you or using any device against your body. You simply lay beneath the Verjú lights.

Is there any downtime?

Absolutely ZERO downtime. During the treatment you will feel no discomfort, no anesthesia will be used, and you can resume normal activities immediately following each treatment.

Are there any limitations to what I can do if I am using Verju?

No. During the treatment period you can continue your normal activities. It is strongly recommended that you commit to and follow the treatment protocol: stay hydrated (8-10 glasses of water a day), continue to eat healthy and exercise (walk at least 15 minutes a day), and minimize alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine interfere with the lymphatic process to remove fat and metabolize it, which can decrease your results.

What areas of the body can I use Verju on?

The Verjú treatment was proven effective in a double-blind clinical trial for non-invasive body contouring of the waist, hips, and thighs where localized fat deposits exist that are resistant to diet and exercise and for the appearance of cellulite in the hips, thighs, and lower abdomen.

Is it covered by insurance?

No, Verjú treatments are considered elective and are not covered by insurance.

Is it safe?

Yes, there is no risk involved in using the Verjú low-level laser system therapy, and it is considered a safe alternative to invasive procedures such as tumescent liposuction and lipodissolve and other non-invasive devices like the Accent, VelaShape, and Thermage, which rely on heating the tissue and can cause discomfort. None of these have the proven data showing how fat cell size is reduced like the Verjú. The Verjú treatment is 100% non-invasive and causes no bruising, scarring, and zero downtime. During the treatment you will feel no discomfort, no anesthesia will be used, and you can resume normal activities immediately following each treatment.

Is it safe if I have a medical condition such as Diabetes?

Yes, with two exceptions. If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, Verjú should not be used. Additionally, if you have a pacemaker, this treatment may not be for you. There are no known detrimental risks but potential unknown risks may exist. Verjú may not be as effective on patients with diabetes or thyroid disorders where the metabolic system is potentially impaired.

Are there any side effects?

No. The treatment process is completely non-invasive, and there are absolutely no side effects beyond loss of inches, fat, and the appearance of cellulite.

How long has the Verju laser been used?

The Verjú has been used in studies since 2012 and has been used by physicians in practice since early 2014.

Is it effective?

Yes, with the Verjú treatment and by following the recommended guidelines for success, we saw an average loss of 4.0 inches reported in our clinical trial on the waist, hips, and thighs and a decrease of 1 grade of cellulite on Nurnberger-Muller Cellulite Scale (25% reduction).

How long will the results last?

By maintaining a healthy diet and exercising, you can expect long-term results.

Can I do the procedure multiple times? How soon after my first treatment can I get my second treatment?

Yes, with additional treatments you can expect to see improved results. You can start an additional series of Verjú treatments immediately following your last treatment. Speak to your technician or physician about any discount programs that may apply.

How soon after pregnancy can I get the treatment?

It is recommended that you wait until after your last postpartum visit with your doctor (usually 6 weeks after birth) to begin your Verjú treatment. It is not recommended if you are breast feeding.

How long before I start seeing results?

Some can see results after only a few treatment sessions as their clothes fit more loosely. Many actually see the difference after 4-6 sessions. Family and friends often notice the difference, too, within the 1st 2 weeks of the Verjú program.

Is everyone a candidate for the Verju treatment?

Most are good candidates. Even people who are not overweight can lose inches. Be sure to discuss your health background with your physician and ask any questions about your particular areas of concern.

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